Monday, July 9, 2007

Wanna ride?

Liam was in such a good mood today. He smiled and laughed bunches! Liam had a good morning because Sean went into work later than usual and so Liam got to play with him a little before he left. Liam and I ran a few errands in the morning. Fortunately for Liam, one of those errands included going to Preuss's Pets for bird seed. He had a grand ol' time looking at the ferrets playing, fish swimming, and birds squawking!

In the afternoon, Elli joined us for a few hours. Liam and Elli played so well together today. Liam actually shared his toys and even brought some to Elli when she was sad about her mommy leaving. Even cuter than that was when Liam gave Elli a ride around on his tricycle. He pushed her all around the living room! A little later, Ashtyn and her mommy also came to visit. The three babies played till they were all tuckered out. After Ashtyn went home, Elli laid down for a nap and I rocked Liam to sleep.

When daddy came home, the boys played while I prepared Liam's birthday invitations. We had a nice evening together. We also took down Liam's doorway bouncer tonight. I was sad, but he's gotten too big for it. We video taped him bouncing one last time before putting it away.

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