Monday, June 25, 2012

Little Archaeologist

Today Liam accompanied me into the field. It was sort of a last minute decision. I had told him that I would take him one day this week, but had not planned for that day to be today. When he asked me, however, I decided it was a good day, since the weather was supposed to be cooler. So we quick packed him a bag and a lunch and he rode up to the site with me.

At first I was a little nervous that things wouldn't go well, because he started complaining about the long car ride almost immediately. But once we got there, he was all smiles and excited. He made friends with SK and Kyane while we mapped in some things with the TDS. He chased after butterflies and braided strands of grass with SK. Later he got to screen with Bryan and helped Jordan find fossils and cool rocks in her unit. He helped carry things and hunted for grasshoppers. He was a very busy boy.

During the drive home, he kept saying that this was the "best day ever"! I definitely scored some awesome mommy points today. He feel soundly asleep on the drive home. All tuckered out.

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