Liam started peddling his tricycle a little over a month ago. In that short time, he has become very proficient. He can peddle forwards and backwards, maneuver tight turns, and even knows how to back up and turn around without using his feet on the ground. This evening, we went biking together as a family up and down the sidewalk on our street. Liam did so well that Sean and I devised a plan to all bike down to the river trail together. We lashed Liam's tricycle to the trailer. Liam rode in the trailer down to the bike trail. Then we let him peddle down the trail with us on our bikes too. It was a little tricky teaching him to stay on the right side of the road, but all in all it was very fun and he was a super biker. Liam biked nearly 3/4 of a mile with us! A lot of stamina for a toddler.
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