Well, this past week things seem to have really smoothed out. If may just be because it's midterm and I know that the semester is half over and I've made it this far! But I'd like to think it's because I've finally figured out how to balance everything - at least for now. I've been sick all week and feeling terrible. But I've still managed to keep on top of my lecture and grading, as well as writing a conference paper, keeping the house minimally clean, and making sure the boys are fed and clothed. ;-)
It helps that Liam has been behaving fairly well. Grant has been cranky - he's also sick - but not overly so. He seems to be nursing a bit less now and actually slept fairly good the past two nights. He's been super cute lately. He's started grabbing his toys and holding them. He gets really excited about some of them - such as the mirror toy for the crib. I actually keep it where I change his diapers and he likes to reach up and spin the ball on it while I change him.

Today, the boys and I went for a lovely walk in the Scott Woods. It was just picture perfect. Liam had fun collecting leaves with me. Grant chilled out and enjoyed the lovely fall colors from his stroller. After our walk, Liam played on the playgroud for a bit. Grant and I swung on the swings next to Liam. We were all tuckered out by the time we headed home.
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