Well, Liam totally wowed me this Thursday (20th)! He was quite the hero. While waiting in line to go back into class after playing on the playground, he discovered that there was a dog curled up in the trash can. The teacher was surprised to see the poor animal in there and hurried the class inside so that she could call animal control. Liam was so proud that he had discovered the trapped animal, that he had to show it to me when I arrived a few minutes later. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I probably wouldn't have believed it!
I was so proud of him that we called daddy and he told daddy all about it. Later that day, we called his teacher to see what happened to the doggy. She told us that it was a girl doggy and that she was unharmed, just malnourished a bit. Apparently, the dog was wagging her tail when the animal control put her in the van.
So that's Liam's true story of being an animal rescuer, just like Diego!

Today, Liam is visiting with his Grandma's and Grandpa, while Daddy, Grant, and I are in Bloomington for a conference. I had a very sucessful paper presentation and have been enjoying myself a lot at this conference. It has been interesting traveling with Grant. I think it's really good that he and Daddy have been getting some quality time together. They don't usually get to spend so much time together. The weather has been unseasonably warm and the three of us have been taking advantage of it by walking around the IU campus and enjoying the fall colors.
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