This Saturday was one social event after another. Liam and I spent a good portion of our morning at Alissa and Ashtyn's house yesterday morning. It was an impromptu play date that occurred because Alissa needed my help with her yard. Thankfully, Liam and Ashtyn played pretty well together and we got a lot of work done. Liam really enjoyed scooting around in Ashtyn's toy car. Thanks for a fun time!

Later in the day we drove up to St. John's to go to our friend Hannah's 2nd birthday party. Hannah is quite a beautiful little girl! It's been so long since Liam and Hannah played together. They used to play a couple times a week together, but work and the cost of gas have kept us from having play dates lately. The highlight of the party (aside from some really great food) was a "bouncy castle" that the kids jumped on. It was so funny watching them! Hannah is a super good jumper, she could really get some good air. Liam liked sliding down the ramp and climbing back up it again. When it came time to open presents, Liam decided Hannah need some assistance - much to the embarrassment of mommy and daddy! I think Liam enjoyed opening presents more than the birthday-girl!

Sunday was a pretty laid-back sort of day. Liam and I went to the grocery while daddy painted the shed. We decided it was time to finally put some plants in the garden, now that the patios were done. Liam had fun riding on my back while we picked out plants at the greenhouse. Admittedly, he napped through most of the actual planting, but he was a great helper when it came time to water the plants. He liked filling and emptying his watering can.
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