Yesterday Liam turned 16 months. We didn't do anything special to celebrate. But he did "draw" a lovely picture (it's very green). We had a really good day. Liam slept in, which is very rare. Then we walked down to the community center for tot time. They had a new toy for the kiddos to play with. It was a reproduction peddle-car that looked like a 1950's Chevy. Liam absolutely loved it and was rather territorial about the toy. He would climb in and go "vroom" and push himself around (since his legs were too short to reach the peddles). Liam played really well and actually took
two naps, which is even rarer!
Today we stayed home most of the day. Although we had to go to the doctor's office for his flu shot booster. Afterwards, I treated him to a trip to Pruess’Animal house...the best pet store in Lansing. He had a ball running around looking at all the animals. We got up-close and personal with a huge scarlet macaw. That was really cool, until he let out a even huger squawk that scared the both of us!
PS-Our dsl modem died, so I won't have internet access at home until the new one comes in the mail. There may be even fewer posts than usual for a week or so...sorry.
(photo added 12/9/07)
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