Today we took it easy to recover from RSV. This meant a little yoga in the morning, followed by a long nap, some play, another nap, more play...well, you get the idea. A couple days ago I got out this elephant piano, that we bought at a yard sale last summer, for Liam to play with. I showed him how to press the keys to make sounds and he immediately took to it. Today, we jammed together with the piano and a rattle. I would shake the rattle and he played the piano. Liam really got into it! Later on, I even caught him trying to play both the piano and shake the rattle at the same time. In the picture, you can see Liam showing off his musical skills to his daddy.
Liam also seem determined to crawl on his hands and knees today. He rocked back and forth on his hands and knees every chance he got. Occasionally he would try to move forward, but usually didn't coordinate hands and knees quite right. I saw him take a header into the floor a couple times, but he seemed undeterred. Other times he would push up into "plank" pose on his hands and toes. He might just figure it out by the end of the week!