It looks like we may have gotten lucky. I see no trace of the rash Liam had last night. Perhaps he had a heat rash or something. My husband thinks I'm a hypochondriac anyways...
In light of the fact that Liam was not sick with chicken pox, we continued with our plans to get Liam a new car seat. As the picture from February 13th shows, his infant car seat is getting rather snug. Of course getting rid of the infant seat also means that we have to upgrade strollers as well. So we went to Babies R Us to look at the latest models of convertible car seats and high-end umbrella strollers...We walked out of the store over $300 poorer, but left with a great Chicco stroller and the Britax Marathon car seat. I can't say enough about how great the Britax car seat is! It had to be designed by a woman, or at least a man who has used a child car seat. Installation is a breeze, the cover easily comes off to wash it, it reclines and adjusts with no sweat, goes up to 65lbs, and has many other conveniences. Let's hope that the Chicco stroller also measures up. You can see Liam trying out his new car seat in the photo above.
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