This weekend was the annual Lansing Orchid Society Show at MSU. As always, Sean and I prepared artwork to enter in the competition and brought our cameras to take lots of new photos! My mom came up for the weekend to see the orchids too. She took this picture of us at the show...she had some difficult subjects, because we were too wiggly.

We also celebrated my birthday on Saturday with a "chocolate tasting" party. I made hot-fudge cake, white chocolate bread pudding, and some assorted savory dips. Our guests also brought chocolate treats to share. It was definitely sugar overload! Liam was super wound-up because he kept begging sweets off of people. In his spastic-ness he accidentally head-butted me while I was talking and caused me to bit my tongue. Ouch! I'm going to feel this for a few days! I did manage to get Liam on my lap just long enough to take this cure picture with our friends Alissa and Ashtyn, and Eva and Hannah (from left to right).

On Sunday, Liam enjoyed playing trains with grandma before breakfast. Later in the morning we went back to take more pictures of the orchids. While daddy was using the camera, I took Liam into the Children's Garden area to play. He really enjoyed it in there...it made me realize how much he loves the outdoors and misses summer! He loved watching the koi in the pond, petting the bronze giraffe, and paging through a book about plants.

I can't wait for the spring thaw!
UPDATES: And now to regale you with Liam's accomplishments! He's had a flurry of new words and signs over the past two weeks. The big one was "please", which he used for the first time on the 16th. Other words I've heard fairly regularly are: eat, fish, more, truck, car, train, video, water (it's more "wower", but I know what he means), dede (the name of his pacifier), read, fish, color, and dog. I'd say that his vocabulary is getting close to 20-words. I also heard him say the sentence "Where is it?"...he tries to parrot back sentences on occasion.
After watching all my friends toddlers signing like crazy on Saturday, I got out the Signing Times dvds and played them on Sunday evening. Liam quickly picked up a couple animal signs: elephant, lion, and crocodile. He's also been using the sign for "hurt" to tell me that he wants Tylenol for his teething pain.
Probably the cutest new thing that he's been doing is gesturing with me to some songs, like "Itsy-bitsy spider", "If you're happy and you know it", and "Twinkle twinkle little star". He also tries to sing along with me and sings to the radio with me while we're in the car. Sometimes I can even hear him say letters in the alphabet when we sing the ABCs!