Well, I suppose it's final spring now that we had our first thunderstorm of the year. I was worried that Liam would be afraid during the storm because he was at daycare, but apparently he liked to watch the rain and lightning. When I came to pick him up today, he grabbed my had and took me over to watch the rain...he's definitely my boy, I loved storms as a child!
One bad result of the heavy rains is that I found a leak in our basement. The gutter on the NW side of the house leaks and drips near the foundation, causing a wet spot in the basement. Hopefully we can fix this next weekend...but it means climbing up two stories on a ladder to get to the gutter.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Planes, trains, & automobiles

Over the weekend, we had quite the Thomas marathon. Liam kept asking to watch the Thomas videos and we also saw Thomas on PBS. All the while, he played with his trains on the table. He has figured out that the train cars repel or attract each other (because of the magnets). He loves to put the train cars together to make a long train and drive it around. Sometimes he also drives the matchbox cars on the tracks too. He also likes to drive the trains under the bridges. It makes us smile to see him play so contently.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My BIG Boy!
Liam has been such a big boy lately. He has been using the potty every morning before going to school. He goes #1 every time and #2 about 60% of the time. I think is starting to realize that it is a lot easier to go in the potty then be cleaned up after pooping in a diaper. We always reward him with a sticker and lots of hugs and praise. Even daddy has gotten on board with the potty training. This morning he made Liam a "Monster Potty" video. A strange title, but it's a collection of video clips from UTube that includes a Japanese potty training cartoon followed by a bunch of monster truck movie clips. Liam seems amused by it.
Liam is continuing to use more and more words. Last week he used the words cracker, cookie, milk, and candy. His daycare teachers also told me that he loves to sort and group toys by their colors. He is also very helpful around the house and will pick up his toys if asked. Last weekend I put away his highchair. He has been eating all his meals at the table with Sean and I for the past week. I can hardly believe that he has grown up so much!
Liam is continuing to use more and more words. Last week he used the words cracker, cookie, milk, and candy. His daycare teachers also told me that he loves to sort and group toys by their colors. He is also very helpful around the house and will pick up his toys if asked. Last weekend I put away his highchair. He has been eating all his meals at the table with Sean and I for the past week. I can hardly believe that he has grown up so much!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!

This is spring?

We had a late lunch at a local Chinese restaurant, then headed to one of the many local antique stores. We all had fun browsing through the old treasures. Liam spotted all the toy cars and trucks. I found him a turtle pull-toy that I just had to get because it was like one that I played with as a kid.
Before we headed home we took a drive to look at a cottage that Sean's parents are buying. It was a really lovely place and property. The house is on a hill overlooking a small fishing lake. The purchase is pending bank approval, we hope that they get it! We had a really fun day that ended all too soon.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Liam meets the Easter Bunny

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Maple Sunday

Meanwhile, the last little remnants of winter snow in our yard slowly melted away. While there is always a chance for another snow storm, I doubt we'll get any accumulation. Hopefully this is the last of the snow till next winter! One of the daffodils that Liam and I planted last fall was beginning to poke green shoots through the earth today. I am so happy that spring is only a few days away!

In the afternoon, Liam was pretty miserable. We couldn't tell what was hurting him - his ear or his teeth. It took several hours before we could get him down for a much needed nap. He is so exhausted from the restless nights and few naps that he has dark circles under his eyes. After his nap I gave him earache drops in his ears and put teething oil on his gums. He seemed a lot better after that. I indulged him and let him ear a bunny-shaped sugar cookie that I made during his nap. I also made some rice puddling from the leftover rice at dinner. Liam loved it a gobbled it down!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Ides & Stuff

Friday afternoon Liam came down with a fever while at daycare and I took him to the doctor after work. The verdict was a combination of ear/sinus infection and viral infection. We got antibiotics to treat the ear and were told to give him lots of liquids and Tylenol for the virus. Liam was very talkative at the doctors office and said "fish" and "crab" while looking at their saltwater fish tank.
Even though Liam was under the weather, Ashtyn's mom had made prior arrangements with me to watch Ashtyn today. Liam was happy for the company - I just hope that we didn't make Ashtyn sick. The kiddos had lots of fun doodling with Sean and playing with the toy kitchen. Because the weather was so mild, we took them for a walk in Liam's wagon. We walked down to the library, where much to my surprise, Liam was very well behaved. Perhaps it was because Ashtyn was being so nice with the books. They both picked out books for me to read to them as we sat at a little table. It was very cute. Before we walked home we stopped at the park near the library to play on the slide. Ashtyn laughed as Liam slide down and came running back up the steps to do it again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Scarlet is 2!

PS-Liam went #1 and #2 in the potty this morning!
Down with Daylight Savings

To make things even more interesting, one of Liam's two-year molars is on the verge of breaking through his gums. So he wakes constantly throughout the night and wants to nurse often. This is of course thwarting my efforts to wean him. I can only hope that tonight will go a little better, because we are all exhausted!
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Where is my red shirt?

PS - Liam turned 19 months old yesterday. Such a big boy!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Sun-shining Day

Liam was still sick with diarrhea. I know he was feeling better, however, because he had a lot more energy today than yesterday. He also managed to eat a few more solids today too. We spent a lot of time coloring in the afternoon, after he woke from his nap. He was exceptionally talkative and said a couple new words, "teeth" and...(of course I can't remember them now). He also pointed to his pacifier and said "my dede".
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