Meanwhile, the last little remnants of winter snow in our yard slowly melted away. While there is always a chance for another snow storm, I doubt we'll get any accumulation. Hopefully this is the last of the snow till next winter! One of the daffodils that Liam and I planted last fall was beginning to poke green shoots through the earth today. I am so happy that spring is only a few days away!

In the afternoon, Liam was pretty miserable. We couldn't tell what was hurting him - his ear or his teeth. It took several hours before we could get him down for a much needed nap. He is so exhausted from the restless nights and few naps that he has dark circles under his eyes. After his nap I gave him earache drops in his ears and put teething oil on his gums. He seemed a lot better after that. I indulged him and let him ear a bunny-shaped sugar cookie that I made during his nap. I also made some rice puddling from the leftover rice at dinner. Liam loved it a gobbled it down!

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