Today at school the Easter Bunny made a special appearance. Liam enjoyed watching the preschoolers sitting on Mr. Bunny's lap, but was unsure about meeting him in person. I don't blame him, because it's not every day that you see a 6 foot tall rabbit (unless you are Elwood P. Dowd)! They also had an egg hunt and I am told that Liam found quite a few eggs. Yesterday the kiddos got their faces painted like bunny rabbits. How cute and funny they all looked!

Tonight, after dinner, I got out the eggs that I boiled last weekend so that we could decorate them together as a family. Liam was very excited. He has been asserting his independence a lot lately and wanted to do it all by himself. We showed him how to color on his eggs and how to dip his eggs into the dye. The hardest part was waiting for them to dry. Liam wanted to look at them and play with them right away. Here he is with all our pretty eggs. He even arranged them into the color scheme that you see. (As a side-note, one of his daycare teachers told me that he arranged blocks into a pattern of green/orange/green/orange earlier this week.)
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