Today was Liam's 2-year check up. His pediatrician was running extremely late due to some emergencies earlier in the day. So we ended up waiting in the office for about an hour before we saw the doctor. Liam was a little antsy, but was all smiles when Dr. T cam in. He started acting silly for Dr. T, and was very good during the exam. When Dr. T was done and ready to go, Liam practically jumped in his arms to give him a hug and a kiss. :) It was just too cute! And just what poor Dr. T needed after a crazy day.
So for those of you who wonder, Dr. T said Liam was quite a healthy little guy. He weighs 29.5 pounds (70th percentile) and is 3 feet (36 inches, 96th percentile) tall! Liam's hemoglobin test came back good at 11, which means there is no concern about anemia. All very good news!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bee Bite

On the way home, Liam had fun sucking on the cold ice pack - not exactly how I had intended it to be used. I also called his pediatrician's office to see if they recommended anything else, since I am severely allergic to bee stings. They told me to give him some Benadryl. I stopped to get some. He was happy to take his "medicine" (he is getting so good with words!). It must have done the trick because within a half hour he was chasing the cat around the house on all-fours (like a cat), and didn't seem to notice that his hand was a little swollen. Thankfully, it looks like he may not have inherited my allergy. What a brave little guy!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Steam Train to Liamville

What an eventful couple days. On Thursday, Liam's daycare was having a end of summer Carnival. There was a hot dog dinner, cotton candy, and games with prizes! Mommy and daddy were tired from their hard day of fixing our basement windows, but we still stayed at the carnival for an hour to eat and play a couple games.
On Friday, Sean and I finished up our windows (and I must say, the finish product is quite nice). The only adventure we had, however, was when Liam and I braved a trip to the grocery store with all of the returning college students back in town...It was a mad house! I stayed up a little late that evening to can some cherry-blueberry jam. And it turned out great. But then we were woken all night by a party of more than 100 people in the house across the street. Needless to say, we are not happy with the new renters. :(

Today, Sunday, was much more laid back. There were no more chores to do, so we spent much of our day watching movies and relaxing. I made some banana johnny cakes for breakfast. I was please with myself, because I thought that Liam would love them, but he wouldn't even try one...bummer. He spent a long, long time play with play dough while I cooked in the kitchen. Later, daddy and Liam went for a walk to the playground. Liam likes to swing on the big boy swings now - no more baby swings for him! After his nap, we all went to the downtown library. Liam played with their train table while mommy and daddy took turns looking for books, music, and videos. We ate dinner alfresco on the patio, as we have most of the week.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Zoo Night

Sunday, August 17, 2008
In a Jam

Liam took an unusually long nap yesterday and today. This afternoon, he felt a little hot after his nap. At dinner, he picked at his meal and then told us "belly hurt". Poor little guy. :( I think he might have the flu. We snuggled on the couch a lot.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Peddle Pusher

After we came home, Liam worked on learning how to peddle his tricycle. Daddy helped him in the driveway. He is starting to get it...maybe in another month he might be peddling his way around.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Life is Good.
I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the good (even great) things in life. This morning Liam didn't fuss when it was time to go. He didn't cling *much* when I had to leave him at daycare. I had a good, productive day at work and when I came to pick Liam up, he ran to me with smiles. After picking up our fresh farmer's milk, we went home and played in the yard. Well...Liam played, I weeded. Nonetheless, it was beautiful weather and a joy to be outside. Once daddy was finished preparing his famous pizza for dinner, he joined Liam in the sand box. I love to hear them playing together! Liam ate his dinner, rather boisterously. The elderly neighbor, two doors down even took note of it. After chatting with the next-door neighbor and procuring a cup of sugar, I made some vanilla pudding for us and her. Liam played well with his playdough and his trains. But once he started getting *fast* (as his teacher calls it), I know it was time for a bath. Daddy got Liam dressed after his bath and then read a book. Just as we snuggled in bed to go to sleep, Liam asked to got potty. I was skeptical, thinking it was a ploy to play, but he did go potty and then went to his bed without a fuss. After Liam went to bed, I did some yoga for the first time in over a year. I didn't realize how much I miss it! What a day, life is good.
PS-I am quite behind on my posts...I am still in the process of writing up our vacation posts, which may eventually appear, as well as a bunch of photos from Liam's birthday.
PS-I am quite behind on my posts...I am still in the process of writing up our vacation posts, which may eventually appear, as well as a bunch of photos from Liam's birthday.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Vacation Wrap

There was so much to see at the zoo - we didn't have energy to see it all! Before we left, Liam played in the frog fountains for a while. He had fund splashing about with the other toddlers. After getting a quick dinner, we went to grandma Kathie's house and watched cartoons with Aunt Rae. What a busy weekend!
On Monday we headed home - daddy on his cycle and Liam and I in the car. Today was a pretty boring day after so much excitement, but it was nice to have a somewhat leisure day around the house.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hurt not the Earth
On Thursday we packed up the car and headed south to Indiana. For our long-weekend vacation, we are visiting Sean's parents in Indianapolis, before they move.
Before we left town, we stopped at the pottery studio to get Liam's plate. While I was in the store, Liam decided to pour his grape juice all over himself...Ack! Needless to say, we were a little late getting out of town. I was none too please with Liam's behavior, but I was pleased with how the plate turned out. On the drive to Indiana, Liam and I doodled together to pass the time. I would draw something and ask him what it was, then later he would draw and tell me what it was. We stayed at my mom's house on Thursday night. Liam enjoyed looking for her kitty cats. He would walk around the house calling, "ki-tty, here kitty". Occasionally a cat would be brave and come to him - he's pretty good with animals, but can still be a little rough too. He was rather wound up from our journey, but I am very proud of him for going to bed with very little fuss.
Friday morning we continued our travels and after a brief stop to eat (and pet a plastic horse) at Huddle House. When we arrived at Indy we picked up Grandpa John and headed for the zoo. It was a beautiful day and the zoo was very busy, especially for a weekday. But we enjoyed ourselves very much. Some of the highlights of our visit were: watching an elephant show, petting sharks, goats, and ferrets, and watching dolphins swim around
us in the dolphin dome. Our energy was fading, but we took a stroll to the White River gardens after the zoo. Liam really enjoyed watching the butterflies flit around us in the big greenhouse. We were disappointed that the model train wasn't running in the garden outside, but Liam had fun splashing in all the various water fountains. After picking up grandma, we went out to dinner. Our evening was rather strange, however, because
when we returned, the people buying grandma and grandpa's house, were still there with the inspector. Liam and I went in the house and got ready for bed - he was a very tired boy - but everyone else had to stay out of the house.
Saturday was another fun-filled day. After a good breakfast, we went downtown to the museum district. It was a cool morning, so we walked around the canal and looked at the gardens and sculptures around the Indiana history museum - including life-sized bronze statues of two mastodons! We all had a great time in the museum. It is strange to see so many people and places that I have worked with or at on display at the museum...I have a lot of connections to Indiana history I guess. By the time we left the museum, we were all pretty hungry. Grandma Bev drove us to the Mug and Bun for hot dogs and home made root beer. Yum! Liam was a little pistol while we were there though, too much stimulation and too little sleep makes him wound-up!
Over lunch we decided to go to the Indianapolis Art Museum next. Liam snoozed in the car while went there. He was still sleeping when we arrived, so I carefully strapped him in the Ergo on my back and we headed in the museum. It was actually perfect timing for his nap, because I don't think he would have been very interested in the artwork and we were able to enjoy it in peace. That is until the museum guards started pestering me to take him off my back. :-/ Apparently, they have a policy that babies cannot be worn on the back. But no one said anything to me when I checked in at the front desk and got a map. The first guard I spoke to was nice enough and told me that I could keep Liam on my back as long as he was asleep. Ok...that's fair enough. But then every guard we encountered along the way had to comment about it. Finally, as I was just entering the room of pre-Columbian art (the stuff I really wanted to see), a guard told me I had to move Liam even though he was asleep. That was the last straw for me. I told him that I was not disturbing my child from his sleep and that I was going to leave. The whole thing was pretty upsetting. I had to share this picture, which was titled something like "The joys of motherhood"...the title and the image seemed ironicly out of sync.
We decided to go outside and enjoy the gardens on the grounds. Liam woke up and was happy to have had a good nap. He enjoyed running around in the beautiful gardens around the Lily mansion. It was a very lovely place. We took a brief walk through the greenhouse and mansion too. It was a lot of walking though, and we were pretty beat by the end of it.
Time to go home...On our way back to the house, we stopped to get some meat to make taco salad. While grandpa was in the store, a very careless young lady threw some trash out of her car window right next to us. I opened my car door and handed her the trash, telling her to "dispose of it properly". Some people are just gross! Once we got back home, Liam played trains with grandpa most of the evening. It was good to relax.

Time to go home...On our way back to the house, we stopped to get some meat to make taco salad. While grandpa was in the store, a very careless young lady threw some trash out of her car window right next to us. I opened my car door and handed her the trash, telling her to "dispose of it properly". Some people are just gross! Once we got back home, Liam played trains with grandpa most of the evening. It was good to relax.
Monday, August 4, 2008

Voted the MacGyver of Housewives.
There is a long story behind the title of this post. Mt sister decided to stay with us for the weekend and into the week. She was having fun playing with our cat, Dozer, and asked me if we had any cat toys. I produced a rather silly looking handmade toy that Sean calls "the worlds ugliest cat toy" (let's face it, cat's don't care). I told her that I made it from scraps of fabric. She laughed at said "Fabric scraps and a stick of bubble gum, right?! You're the MacGyver of housewives." Considering the guest at Liam's birthday party were chuckling about my hand-made goodie bags and playdough, I think this title is fitting. I am always trying to make something out of next to nothing - I consider it one of my greatest gifts and I enjoy the challenge.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Take me riden in the car-car.
Liam napped once we returned home from the berry patch. While he was napping, Rae and I went to the pottery studio to finish the plate from Liam's birthday party. I had everyone who attended put their fingerprints around the edge of the plate. Then I painted in train tracks and wheels to make the fingerprints look like train cars. I also added a few other embellishments. Once it is fired, I will have the studio glue the train that Liam painted onto the plate in front of the cars. It will look very cute hanging in his room.
Liam took a long nap and it was nearly dinner time by the time he woke. We surprised him with his last birthday gift - a cosy coope play car. He had a lot of fun driving it around in the backyard and in the driveway. I was able to get it used for a steal. He loves to play with those types of car riding toys at school and when we visit friend's houses. So I am glad we were able to find one for him at a good price.
Even though we had a lot of left-overs, we decided to go out for dinner because Rae was visiting us. We all had a big meal at the Chinese buffet. Liam ate quite a lot - I am worried that they will started charging us for him. After dinner, we played in the yard some more. Liam drove his car around and then decided to wade in the pool once I put my feet in it. He had a good time splashing (which he didn't have time for at his party). Then he helped empty it by scooping out the water and watering the plants (and they really needed it) or "washing" his car. He was a muddy mess by the time we were done. I managed to convince him to come in and get a bath with the promise of watching the batman cartoon. He kept saying "batman" over and over was too cute.
I can't believe my baby is already two years old!

Even though we had a lot of left-overs, we decided to go out for dinner because Rae was visiting us. We all had a big meal at the Chinese buffet. Liam ate quite a lot - I am worried that they will started charging us for him. After dinner, we played in the yard some more. Liam drove his car around and then decided to wade in the pool once I put my feet in it. He had a good time splashing (which he didn't have time for at his party). Then he helped empty it by scooping out the water and watering the plants (and they really needed it) or "washing" his car. He was a muddy mess by the time we were done. I managed to convince him to come in and get a bath with the promise of watching the batman cartoon. He kept saying "batman" over and over was too cute.
I can't believe my baby is already two years old!
Berry Birthday

The worse thing was that after all that craziness, we had crying toddlers and very few berries. At least the farmer let us take what we picked without paying. A small consolation for yet another grand outing gone wrong. :-/
My sister, who kept picking during the red-berry incident - knowing full-well that we had the problem covered - managed to get a couple pints worth, so I might have enough to make one batch of jam. At least my first attempt at canning will be a memorable one, though I sometimes wish life didn't have to be such a soap opera.
It's My Party!
After many weeks of planning and several months of patio-building and yard work, we celebrated Liam's second birthday in our backyard on Saturday. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and there were no major hitches (aside from the kiddie pool springing a leak - Alissa came to the rescue with a backup pool). All of the food turned out great and the Thomas birthday cake was lovely. The kids played well together and I think Liam had a really great time. He was a little overwhelmed when he woke up from his long nap to find 14 people had arrived, but after a few minutes he was his boisterous self again! He was so excited at opening his gifts that he could hardly contain himself. Many, many thanks for everyone who came and for all the wonderful gifts.

View of backyard party.

The pool goers.

Liam's cake - daddy is lighting the candles.

Yum, icing is even better when licked off a train!

Hannah and her mommy, Eva.

Miss sweet cheeks, aka. Ellie.

Liam sure loves his cars!

Party goers: Alissa, Ashtyn, Hannah, Aidan & Dan.

View of backyard party.

The pool goers.

Liam's cake - daddy is lighting the candles.

Yum, icing is even better when licked off a train!

Hannah and her mommy, Eva.

Miss sweet cheeks, aka. Ellie.

Liam sure loves his cars!

Party goers: Alissa, Ashtyn, Hannah, Aidan & Dan.
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