After many weeks of planning and several months of patio-building and yard work, we celebrated Liam's second birthday in our backyard on Saturday. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and there were no major hitches (aside from the kiddie pool springing a leak - Alissa came to the rescue with a backup pool). All of the food turned out great and the Thomas birthday cake was lovely. The kids played well together and I think Liam had a really great time. He was a little overwhelmed when he woke up from his long nap to find 14 people had arrived, but after a few minutes he was his boisterous self again! He was so excited at opening his gifts that he could hardly contain himself. Many, many thanks for everyone who came and for all the wonderful gifts.

View of backyard party.

The pool goers.

Liam's cake - daddy is lighting the candles.

Yum, icing is even better when licked off a train!

Hannah and her mommy, Eva.

Miss sweet cheeks, aka. Ellie.

Liam sure loves his cars!

Party goers: Alissa, Ashtyn, Hannah, Aidan & Dan.
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