On Thursday we packed up the car and headed south to Indiana. For our long-weekend vacation, we are visiting Sean's parents in Indianapolis, before they move.

Before we left town, we stopped at the pottery studio to get Liam's plate. While I was in the store, Liam decided to pour his grape juice all over himself...Ack! Needless to say, we were a little late getting out of town. I was none too please with Liam's behavior, but I was pleased with how the plate turned out. On the drive to Indiana, Liam and I doodled together to pass the time. I would draw something and ask him what it was, then later he would draw and tell me what it was. We stayed at my mom's house on Thursday night. Liam enjoyed looking for her kitty cats. He would walk around the house calling, "ki-tty, here kitty". Occasionally a cat would be brave and come to him - he's pretty good with animals, but can still be a little rough too. He was rather wound up from our journey, but I am very proud of him for going to bed with very little fuss.

Friday morning we continued our travels and after a brief stop to eat (and pet a plastic horse) at Huddle House. When we arrived at Indy we picked up Grandpa John and headed for the zoo. It was a beautiful day and the zoo was very busy, especially for a weekday. But we enjoyed ourselves very much. Some of the highlights of our visit were: watching an elephant show, petting sharks, goats, and ferrets, and watching dolphins swim around

us in the dolphin dome. Our energy was fading, but we took a stroll to the White River gardens after the zoo. Liam really enjoyed watching the butterflies flit around us in the big greenhouse. We were disappointed that the model train wasn't running in the garden outside, but Liam had fun splashing in all the various water fountains. After picking up grandma, we went out to dinner. Our evening was rather strange, however, because

when we returned, the people buying grandma and grandpa's house, were still there with the inspector. Liam and I went in the house and got ready for bed - he was a very tired boy - but everyone else had to stay out of the house.

Saturday was another fun-filled day. After a good breakfast, we went downtown to the museum district. It was a cool morning, so we walked around the canal and looked at the gardens and sculptures around the Indiana history museum - including life-sized bronze statues of two mastodons! We all had a great time in the museum. It is strange to see so many people and places that I have worked with or at on display at the museum...I have a lot of connections to Indiana history I guess. By the time we left the museum, we were all pretty hungry. Grandma Bev drove us to the Mug and Bun for hot dogs and home made root beer. Yum! Liam was a little pistol while we were there though, too much stimulation and too little sleep makes him wound-up!

Over lunch we decided to go to the Indianapolis Art Museum next. Liam snoozed in the car while went there. He was still sleeping when we arrived, so I carefully strapped him in the Ergo on my back and we headed in the museum. It was actually perfect timing for his nap, because I don't think he would have been very interested in the artwork and we were able to enjoy it in peace. That is until the museum guards started pestering me to take him off my back. :-/ Apparently, they have a policy that babies cannot be worn on the back. But no one said anything to me when I checked in at the front desk and got a map. The first guard I spoke to was nice enough and told me that I could keep Liam on my back as long as he was asleep. Ok...that's fair enough. But then every guard we encountered along the way had to comment about it. Finally, as I was just entering the room of pre-Columbian art (the stuff I really wanted to see), a guard told me I had to move Liam even though he was asleep. That was the last straw for me. I told him that I was not disturbing my child from his sleep and that I was going to leave. The whole thing was pretty upsetting. I had to share this picture, which was titled something like "The joys of motherhood"...the title and the image seemed ironicly out of sync.

We decided to go outside and enjoy the gardens on the grounds. Liam woke up and was happy to have had a good nap. He enjoyed running around in the beautiful gardens around the Lily mansion. It was a very lovely place. We took a brief walk through the greenhouse and mansion too. It was a
lot of walking though, and we were pretty beat by the end of it.
Time to go home...On our way back to the house, we stopped to get some meat to make taco salad. While grandpa was in the store, a very careless young lady threw some trash out of her car window right next to us. I opened my car door and handed her the trash, telling her to "dispose of it properly". Some people are just gross! Once we got back home, Liam played trains with grandpa most of the evening. It was good to relax.
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