When I got there, he was being rocked by one of the daycare providers. As soon as he saw me his little legs started kicking like crazy. He buried his face against me when I picked him up. I could tell he was anxious when I fed him. Afterwards he seemed better though, and went back to playing. So I quietly slipped out so that he wouldn't start crying.
I decided to leave him in daycare till 5pm. So that Sean and I could enjoy dinner alone when he came home from work. After our Cajun-style rice and beans, Sean went to bring Liam home. Liam was SO happy to see me when he got home! We had a tickle and raspberry fest to make up for being separated for most of the day. I also gave him a nice bath and a massage. Afterwards, he cruised around the apartment getting into everything - like it was all new to him all of a sudden! He especially wanted to help me feed our pet birds and kept trying to climb up to see them.
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