This morning we all woke well rested because Liam slept through the night for the past two nights! [Now I would appreciate it you would take a moment knock on wood for me, so as to not jinx us!] Anyways, Liam slept from 8:30pm - 5am on Thursday night and fro 9pm - 5am on Friday night. Of course, I didn't actually go to sleep till later, but I still appreciated getting 6 hours of sleep with limited interruptions two nights in a row! Liam stirred both nights, but was able to sooth himself back to sleep all but one time. Maybe there is hope for continued good sleep in the house. [Cross your fingers!]
Around 10am this morning, we had a visit from Ashtyn and her mommy, Alissa. We had planned to go for a walk with them, but the weather didn't cooperate. So instead we let the babies play in the apartment while we talked. Ashtyn has gotten so big and is such a cute little girl. Her face is so grown up!
After lunch, Liam went down for a nap and I got to go to the salon for the first time in ages! I found out that my favorite hairdresser is expecting and her baby's due date is a week before Liam's birthday. I told her to get as much sleep now as she could, 'cause it all changes once the baby comes. My hair cut looks great, but I was astonished by how much more gray is visible this time...At least now I can blame it on the baby instead of the dissertation.
When I got home, Liam played with his daddy and I for a little. Then we decided to go look at houses around town. Liam was very well behaved and napped for most of it. Afterward we headed to church. We've missed church so much lately due to illness. Liam was pretty good through the long Palm Sunday mass. He was wiggly though, so at one point I took him out to the foyer to "walk" around a bit. I let him walk until his little legs were exhausted and brought him back in for the rest of mass. At one point I also resorted to tickling and it was so cute to hear a baby laugh in the middle of church.