At my mom's house contractors were installing a new tin roof. It looks so great that I had to share! I think it really completes the modern look of the house. (My dad certainly would have loved it.) I just felt sorry for the contractors, because the temperatures were sub-zero...Brrrrr!

Meanwhile, inside the house we tried to teach Liam how to call my mom's kitty cats to him. He often gets so excited at the sight of a cat that he will start screaming and scare them away. Here he is with grandma, trying to coax Cheddar up the stairs to play.
Liam had a lot more fun this weekend than the last. This time grandma was home to
play and auntie Rae was around too. He really loves his aunt! He was constantly grabbing her hand and leading her around the house...then he would try to get her to pick him up or chase him. He even cried when she had to go out on Sunday evening.
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