Afterwards, we went to the farmers market for lentils and some fresh chicken. Liam loves it there because all the vendors shower him with attention and goodies. We ate a small lunch of dill-feta pies and an apricot tart, before heading home. Liam took an astonishing 3+ hour nap! I was so surprised...because he never naps that long. On the plus side, I accomplished quite a lot in those three hours, including: finishing the knitted ball I am making him for easter, washing two loads of laundry, unpackinand reorganizing about 10 boxes of stuff in the basement, and tidying up in the basement.
He woke up just before daddy came home. We decided to go out to dinner at Zeus' cafe. Liam and I split one of their huge dinners. He nearly finished an entire plate of mac and cheese all by himself and begged some lamb and fish off of daddy and I too. After a quick stop at the grocery, we came home.

Because he napped so late, Liam stayed up a little later than usual. But he didn't get whinny like he often does in the evening. Instead he busied himself making a huge mess of all his wooden puzzles in the living room. He dumped them all in a heap on the floor, along with his wooden train track, and finished the pile off with a sprinkling of cereal that I gave him for a snack...sigh...but it was still a great day!
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