Gosh, 10-whole months since Liam was born! Where has the time gone?! He's gone from a tiny helpless baby to this little person who can both delight and frustrate (sometimes at the same time). Today was a stormy day, much like the morning he was born (Although I got to sleep most the night last night...Liam didn't wake up to eat in the middle of the night!). Sean was kind to me and watched Liam to let me sleep till 7:30am. To thank him I made a big pancake breakfast and some scrambled eggs. After breakfast the weather was clear, so we got ready to go out with the hopes that it would stay nice long enough to go to the zoo. By the time we all had our shoes on it started to rain. Bummer...

To pass the time, we took a drive to a local outlet mall. These places aren't really my thing, but I knew that the drive would give Liam a good nap, and give mommy and daddy some time to talk and sip our coffees. Our first stop at the mall was the Bose dealer. They gave us the royal treatment and let us sample their special room equipped with a $4000 surround-sound system. It was a bit loud for the baby, but he enjoyed it and also got a chance to nurse discretely. It rained on and off, but we walked around to several stores. We went to shop for some dress clothes for daddy and some shirts for mommy. We also stopped in a toy store and gourmet kitchen shop. We had just made it to the book store - bound to be an expensive stop for us - when I noticed that the sky was
black to the south of us. I quickly got Sean's attention because we were on the other side of the mall from where we had parked. We raced across the mall to the car so that we wouldn't get caught in the rain. We had a wet drive home and Liam took another nap.

Liam had a rather messy snack time once we came home...and yes, that's yogurt on his nose. For the most part, Liam played really well by himself this afternoon. He busied himself pulling his favorite toys out of baskets and banging them together. This allowed daddy to get some much needed time alone to game on his computer and allowed me to read while watching Liam play.
I can see now why people are so nostalgic about bathing their babies. Now that Liam is a mobile toddler, bath time has become a struggle. I am constantly wrestling with a strong wet baby to keep him from crawling all over and standing up. I work up such a sweat that
I need a bath! After his bath, I allowed Liam to go in the buff for a while. He loved being naked so much that he got rather rambunctious instead of quieting down for bedtime. What a start to another exciting month!
PS - Liam pointed to the dark clouds as we were walking to the car at the outlet mall. He said "clouds" when I told them what they were. Then, to my surprise, he started waving bye-bye to them!
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