I promptly sorted through his stuffies. Many of them have bee-bees, but none of them have holes or loose seams. I decided to take away some of his stuffed animals while he's teething. The only thing I can think of is that while bitting one of them, he accidentally pulled the bee-bees through the fabric and swallowed them. (Don't worry, the bee-bee's weren't from last night's surgery to Eeyore, because he only contained stuffing.)
I'm not even sure it happened at home, since he spends three days a week at daycare or a friend's house. I'll have to mentioned it next week, to make sure they check their toys too.
Ugh! I am SOOOOO done with oral fixations!
PS - During Liam's afternoon nap I finished Eeyore's personality reconstruction. I restuffed him and sewed him up. Now Eeyore is good as new!
PPS - This evening we made a little outing to the local park. I took Liam on the swing and down the spiral slide. Then we played in the grass until the mosquitoes found us.

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