We also stopped by one of the consignment shops that specializes in baby gear. I found Liam a great little life jacket for next year - or once

Today was another hot one, so I decided to take a stroll to the new water fountain park they installed nearby. I put on my swimsuit and dressed Liam in his swim shirt and shorts. By the time we got their, we definitely needed a cooling off. I held Liam and walked through some of the running water. The water was cold and he wasn't too happy at first. Then I let him do the walking, with a little support from me of course. He would wander around through some of the baby-sized fountains and eventually got brave enough for some of the bigger ones. We stopped to warm up and dry off often. We stayed at the park for nearly two hours. It's a really nice place. They even have awnings to keep the sun off you. The whole time we were there and during our walk, Liam was pointing at things. He was taking it all in and watching everything. He has started including the same number of syllables as my words when he imitates my speech.
At home this evening, Liam continued to work on trying to stand without support. He puts one bent leg under him and one leg straight out in front of him. Then he tries to straighten the bent leg and push up. He's come really close to standing a few times. While we were playing, he let go of my hands and stood on his own for a couple seconds. Surprisingly, he didn't fall, but rather put his hands down in front of him and sat down carefully.