The past couple days, Liam has been making a fish-face a lot. I wondering if the rest of his lower incisors are coming in? I haven't been able to capture his face-making in a photo yet.
Sunday I was miserably sick...coughing so much that I ached. Luckily daddy was around to help care for Liam. Sean was so wonderful playing with Liam all day. They would play make-believe with the toy school bus and Liam's stuffed animals. Liam helped daddy put the animals on the bus and then they would take them on various field trips around the apartment. It was so cute to watch. While I was feeding Liam pureed green beens for dinner, he startled me by blowing a mouthful back out at me. He laughed and laughed at my reaction.

This morning I was still pretty bad off. I took Liam to Sara's for daycare and took myself to the doctor's office. My doctor ordered a chest x-ray to rule-out pneumonia. I won't know the results for a couple days. I got home with just enough time to wash Liam's closes and sweep the floors before Sara brought Liam and Elli over. I watched Elli for her during the afternoon. I took the babies out for a long walk again. At first they both resisted sleep. Liam napped first during the walk through Scott Woods. Elli fell asleep just as I was leaving the woods, so I continued to walk through the neighborhood for another 45 minutes so that she would get a nap too. Sean played with them when he came home, so that I could prepare dinner. They all had fun playing and giggling in the tunnel. They weather was so nice, that after Elli went home we all went for another walk. This time we looked at houses for sale in the neighborhood. Liam giggled up a storm when I brushed his teeth tonight...boy am I glad he likes getting his teeth brushed!
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