Yesterday was our seventh wedding anniversary. In keeping with (recent) tradition, Sean and I wanted to spend our anniversary at the
Great Lakes Kite Festival. Luckily I was feeling well enough to make a day trip to Grand Haven. We packed up picnic lunches and all our great kites and made it there by 11am. Our first stop was at the tent to shop for more kites and line laundry. Then we headed for the beach and grabbed a good spot south of the professional exhibits. We put up the sun shade we borrowed from my parents and then went to work flying kites.

We put up our huge power sled and hung the 15 foot octopus, 24 foot tube tail, and piranha drogue from the line (which you can see in the first photo). Then Sean got out his stunt kite and flew it with a 20 foot tube tail (second photo). Sean did stunts for a couple hours. Meanwhile, Liam and I played in the sun tent and watched kites.

While Liam has qualms about grass, he absolutely loved sand. This was fun at first, but I soon found out that babies and sand don't mix well...Liam decided that sand was taste-worthy. He liked running his hands through the sand and then licking his hands. He's also dip his toys in sand and then sample the grit. Needless to say, sand was soon all over and
in him! While daddy was flying his kite, Liam and I also took a stroll barefoot in the sand. What fun!

Later in the afternoon, we took a stroll down to the surf to show Liam the lake. He was kinda sleep at the time, but seemed impressed by the crashing waves. Liam was so sleepy that he fell asleep on my back before we made it to the car. He snoozed, while Sean and I got takeout at our favorite Chinese restaurant in Grand Haven. What a lovely day we had!
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