Liam's bottom is looking better, but he still cries at diaper changes. The nurse told me that commercial diaper wipes are the culprit. I don't used them at home, so it was during daycare that he had the reaction. I may have to tell them to use cloth diapers and wipes to prevent this problem from reoccurring. The nurse also told me to put mylanta on his bottom and to use a blow-dryer to dry it off. It seems strange, but so far I have noticed some improvement.
This afternoon, we made a quick trip to Aldi before daddy came home. Then we all went to the church rummage sale down the street. I found Liam a cute tied-dyed romper. Sean and I were is a summer time mood, so we made turkey burgers for dinner, complete with toasted bun, red onions, provolone cheese, and a green salad and potato salad on the side. Yum! I gave Liam a couple tastes of my turkey burger. He ate it up eagerly. He also ate some pureed spinach and carrots for dinner too. After dinner, we took a stroll around the neighborhood. We noticed a lot more houses up for sale now. We're not looking quite as hard for a house right now, because there is a threat of layoffs at Sean's job. We're going to wait and see...
Both Sean and I read Liam stories tonight. I also played around with him in the tunnel. He has gotten so proficient at crawling that he can move as fast as I walk! He can also stand while leaning against the furniture and play with a toy. He has gotten braver about walking and sometimes let's go, but always falls when he does. Today he babbled "B's" a bunch. We worked on words like: ball, baby, bird, boy, and book.
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