On Saturday, May 12th, Liam was christened at the same church that my parent's were married in, I was christened in, and also where I received my first communion and confirmation. It was a really lovely mass and ceremony. We were blessed to have most of our families there. On Sean's side: his parents, brother & his family, Aunt Beth & Uncle Rick, and friend of the family, Rebecca. On my side: my parents, maternal grandmother, Aunt Chris, Aunt Jan & Uncle Scott, Aunt Mara & Uncle Mike, Cousins Samantha & Nolan, as well as my sister (Godmother to Liam) and cousin Douglas (Godfather to Liam).

Liam was such an angel and very well behaved through it all. He did cry a little when the water was poured over him, but the water was cold. After the ceremony, we all went to my parent's house, which wasn't far from church. Everyone had a great time chatting and passing the baby around. There were lots of munchies for all - I made a custard pie & baklava for the party. As usual, Liam was spoiled with too many presents. Thank you everyone for coming and for all the lovely gifts! It was a very special day for us!

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